by Viana Afoumou (vixnde), Maja Simišić, Emir Karyo and NDNMK Solutions
Located in Roodkapje, Rotterdam, the Hamburger Community is an experimental artist-residency laboratory that unites four young genre-bending artists: Viana Afoumou (vixnde), Maja Simišić, Emir Karyo, and NDNMK Solutions.
These four artists transport their distinctive perspectives and experiences of Rotterdam’s dynamic and sometimes hostile environment all the way to Nijmegen. Through this exchange, they aim to slowly merge the two cities together – like a portal.
As risography is a common denominator between Extrapool and Roodkapje, both working closely with riso publishing houses integrated in their spaces. NDNMK Solutions will design a new Slimtarra Wallpaper and vixnde will perform a sonic piece involving a riso duplicator.
On Friday the 13th of October the gates of the HOSTILE CONTACT NIJMEGEN WORLD TOUR 2023 will open at Extrapool. Join us for an evening filled with HOSTILE CONTACT performances by vixnde, Maja Simišić and Thomas Bürger.
Maja Simišić will recite ‘A poem from my accountant’, an extensive hostile email thread/t romanticizing and reclaiming the experience of being cancelled by a seemingly professional business persona.
Viana (vixnde) Afoumou takes her musical treadmill along to Nijmegen, transforming the rhythmic patterns of her footsteps into a composition amplifying the multiplicity of the act of running in (hostile city) life.
Arnhem-based producer Thomas Bürger creates tunes that feels like a warm, lo-fi memory of early 2010s EDM.
19:00: Doors open
20:00: treadmill performance (vixnde)
Take a sonic walk through the city of Rotterdam, riding the artist-guided bus tour (Zonnetrein/Straatspreekwagen) through Nijmegen with the ‘Welcome to Nijmegen!’ tour on Saturday the 14th of October with performances by Emir Karyo, Maja Simišić and vixnde.
Roodkapje’s Hamburger Community is made possible with the kind support of Gemeente Rotterdam, Mondriaan Fonds, Stichting Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, Fonds Podiumkunsten