Extrapool Weekend Juni — @PENSTRAAT(JE)
30 Jun t/m 02 Jul

Amphora, strudel, chiocciola, 小老鼠, παπάκι, arroba, alfakrøll, Klammeraffe, kanelbulle en miukumauku; het zijn woorden die in de meest uiteenlopende talen compleet verschillende beelden oproepen, maar die allemaal verwijzen naar hetzelfde symbool: @. In het programma @PENSTAART(JE) onderzoeken we de verschillende manieren waarop beeld en woord samenwerken en elkaar versterken.

Kunstcollectief Dugae Kongkang presenteert Perfect Nose, een album geïnspireerd op het verschijnsel van subliminal muziek, Chet Bugter geeft een lezing over het toppunt van de beeldcultuur, de meme. Zoon en vader Boris en Jeroen de Leijer (Eefje Wentelteefje) vertellen over de onverwachte totstandkoming van hun graphic novel Naar Texas en terug en geven een workshop storyboard maken. Het duo Marc Alberto en Florian Herzog zullen optreden met poëzie en improvisatie op saxophoon, contrabas en modulaire synthesizer terwijl Jakob Akemann pannenkoeken bakt voor het publiek en zijn prentenboek RUIMTEPULP presenteert.

Vrijdag 30 juni
Perfect Nose installatie en albumpresentatie door DUGAE KONGKANG
Memes for Being Better: On Memeified Care for the Self lezing door Chet Bugter

aanvang: 20:30
start: 21:00
entree: 5,-
voertaal: Engels

Zaterdag 1 juli
Naar Texas en Terug workshop en lezing door Jeroen en Boris de Leijer
aanvang: 13:30
start: 14:00-17:00
entree: 5,-
voertaal: Nederlands

Zondag 2 juli
RUIMTEPULP presentatie met pannenkoeken door Jakob Akemann en live muziek door Marc Alberto & Florian Herzog
aanvang: 13:30
start: 14:00 – 17:00
entree: 5,-
voertaal: Engels en Nederlands


Amphora, strudel, chiocciola, 小老鼠, παπάκι, arroba, alfakrøll, Klammeraffe, kanelbulle and miukumauku; these are words that evoke completely different meanings in many languages. Still, they all refer to the same icon; the @-sign. During the program @PENSTAART(JE) (or “monkey tail”, the Dutch word for the @-sign), Extrapool explores the different ways in which image and words work together and strengthen each other.

Art collective DUGAE KONGKANG presents Perfect Nose, an album inspired by the phenomenon of subliminal music, Chet Bugter will give a lecture on the epitome of visual culture, the meme. Son and father Boris and Jeroen de Leijer (Eefje Wentelteefje) talk about the unexpected creation of their graphic novel Naar Texas en terug and give a storyboard-making workshop. The duo Marc Alberto and Florian Herzog will perform poetry and improvisation on saxophone, double-bass and modular synthesizers while Jakob Akemann bakes pancakes for the audience and presents his picture book RUIMTEPULP.

DUGAE KONGKANG is an artist duo comprised of Jingjing Wang (audiovisual creator) and Yujia Lin (graphic designer). As avid explorers of internet subculture, their artistic practice often incorporates surrealistic video shorts that examine the ways in which technology and media shape and transform the human psyche and thought processes.

Perfect Nose is an experimental album that takes inspiration from the concept of subliminal music, designed to influence the listener’s subconscious mind and change their perception of themselves, specifically their nose shape.
Perfect Nose explores the impact of cultural beauty standards on personal identity.

Jeroen en Boris de Leijer
In the graphic novel Naar Texas en terug (‘To Texas and back’), cartoonist Jeroen de Leijer takes his son Boris on a journey as a modern rite of passage. Jeroen is the one who initially creates a drawn and written account of their exploits, but when Boris gets involved and starts telling his side of the story, an interesting dialogue ensues.
They will talk about their extraordinary process together and give a workshop on storyboarding.

Chet Bugter
Chet Bugter moves within the industrial fashion system as a researcher, writer and educator. Through performance, written and visual essays, manifestos and film, Chet proposes new perspectives on said fashion system, and sets out to make the system more embodied, diverse, and inclusive.

For @PENSTAART(JE) he will hold the lecture, Memes for Being Better: On Memeified Care for the Self . “We are living in a society”, and taking care of ourselves in this ever-evolving world is getting increasingly difficult, as well as popular, and expensive! Self-care has become an industry in itself; but how can we escape from its grasp? By collectively reading a selection of memes on (self-)care and affirmative actions, we will explore how these memes can become a tool in caring for ourselves and others—how can we make each other feel better through that sweet combination of text, image, and jokes?

Marc Alberto and Florian Herzog
Marc Alberto (they/them) and Florian Herzog have been closely collaborating together since the peak of the Great Recession (this is unrelated).
For @PENSTAART(JE) the duo will perform poetry with open improvisations on saxophone, double bass and modular synths.

Marc is active as a composer, poet, theatre maker and multi-instrumentalist with a focus on Black anarchism, queer emancipatory and documentary work. Known for their minimalism focused, spiritual use of saxophones and modular synthesizers. Their poetry has been described as “a gentle but merciless form of revolution”.

Florian Herzog, bassist and composer, is a pioneer of the German and international jazz and avant-garde scenes. After living and working in the Netherlands, Cologne and finally New York, he now writes for projects that are avant-garde jazz, pop or electronic, but also always all of the above. His bass playing has been described by the press as “emancipated, spirited and sensitive.”

Jakob Akemann
Jakob Akemann is a Creative Writing student whose work explores the area between visual and literary storytelling. He created RUIMTEPULP with the illustrations of fifteen visual arts students, a bin of wax crayons and a mountain of pancakes


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